Monday, April 29, 2013
Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence with Coffee
A new study says that regular coffee drinking can prevent breast cancer recurrence. The researchers say, such benefits can be obtained by diligent drinking two cups of coffee every day.
Researchers from Lund University in Sweden believe that coffee may increase the effects of the drug. They analyzed 600 breast cancer patients in southern Sweden for more than five years. About 300 of the participants taking tamoxifen, a drug commonly prescribed after breast cancer surgery.
Tamoxifen is an anti-estrogen drug that is widely used to treat breast cancer. Breast cancer cells generally rely on female hormone estrogen to grow.
Maria Simonsson, researchers from Lund University say, patients taking the drug with two or more cups of coffee per day, less likely to report cancer recurrence. The results were compared with those who did not drink coffee, but taking the drugs.
"What about coffee interacts with the drug are still unknown. Yet no theory that says that coffee can activate tamoxifen and make it more effective," said Simonsson.
The researchers previously linking coffee consumption with a reduced risk of certain types of breast cancer. Caffeine has also been shown that the effect can inhibit cancer cell growth.
Helena Jernstrvm, professor of experimental oncology at Lund University added that he and his team wanted to know more about how lifestyle can affect the treatment of breast cancer.
Nevertheless, this study is not the first study to show an association of coffee with cancer treatment. Researchers from Harvard Medical School has found that women who drank three or more cups of coffee per day had a 20 percent lower risk of developing skin cancer than those who drank less than one cup per month.
5 Ways to Avoid Eating that Chronic Pain
Some of the tips below can hopefully help you.
1. Eat only when hungry
Eat when you are hungry instead of when you are sad, bored, stressed, no reception, invitations, or just because there is free food, food that looks appetizing. When eating for this reason, the food you eat normally tend unhealthy, excessive, and what is the purpose of eating themselves to nurture the body, pleasure, satisfaction gained enough energy will not be achieved, on the contrary, you will get the disease. However, if you eat only when hungry, it will be delicious food you feel. In addition, you do not need to overeat, to satiety, so you are satisfied, had had enough. However, if you eat because of sadness, boredom, stress, more fun, you need more food.
2. Eat food from your own kitchen
Eating the food you buy outside the food that you cook yourself is definitely not the same quality and influence. Food from your kitchen, you alone will determine what you will cook, want to cook meat, fish, vegetables, how many, what ingredients, what their salts, and how to cook it. What do you cook, what ingredients, what you put salt, how to cook it will determine the quality of food that you will eat. In addition, activity in the kitchen that you could be doing something fun and burn your energy reserves. When you eat out, which determines things is the chef, not only how to process them, but also what you should eat. Unfortunately, our kitchen is rarely smoky.
3. Choose a smaller plate
What, how, and how the food you put in your plate will affect your appetite, feeling satisfied, satisfied, and the impression that you see through the eyes will also be memengarhui your meals. Smaller plate that you choose to give the impression that the food is placed on it seem to be much more. This may prevent you from eating a lot more too
4. Eat less, but more often
In today's busy straitened circumstances, there is the tendency of people to eat 1-2 times a day, but the portions are large. Many do not have time to eat breakfast, lunch compensate them in large numbers or vice versa. Eating with this pattern was not healthy, belebihan burden on your stomach in as well, with a variety of complaints, such as abdominal discomfort, suffocating, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, and processing, food absorption is not perfect. In fact, many reported incidents of heart attack due to a diet like this.
In addition, eating a lot at once, much less you eat high glycemic index foods, foods containing less fiber, your blood sugar levels can rise suddenly, which then also stimulate the release of insulin in large quantities. The release of large amounts of insulin resulted in a quick drop in blood sugar as well, giving rise to symptoms such as fatigue, mood you are distracted, drowsy and you tend to look for snacks sweets. Instead, eat less, but more often, in addition to a healthy digestive system, also can maintain your blood sugar more stable. Therefore, this practice can reduce the risk of diabetes threat. So, make it a habit to eat in smaller portions, but more often the frequency. There are experts who recommend 4-5 times a day for you.
5. Eat with a relaxed, casual, and slowly
Because they feel the time is narrow, hunted targets, many of us are eating now, under pressure, in a state of stress, while watching TV, at the computer, on the desk, is running, even while carrying vehicles. When not focus with the food in front of you, beside you can not enjoy the food, your digestive system will also terganngu. You also tend to eat in excess portion. Preferably, eat in a state of calm, slowly. Eat with a situation like this gives you the opportunity to enjoy better food, chew longer and our digestive system also works more perfect.
Eating in a hurry, for example, is up 1-2 dishes you eat in 10 minutes, or less, but you still do not feel full, satisfied, is caused by a reflex satisfied. Satiety to the brain that we need to take about 20 minutes after we started eating. So, if you eat in a hurry, you also tend to eat larger amounts. You just know that you overeat while after you stop eating.
When the five tips above you can live, God willing, in addition to the possibility of you being with some chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke can be reduced, your body will also be beautiful and healthy.
ProEnhance Review: Does This Patch Really Work?
ProEnhance is a whole new form of enlargement which is supplied in the form of a Patch rather than a tablet or a pill. The Patch might be used for 3 days before planning to be replaced and continues to be adhesive in spite of water or physical activities.
The ProEnhance Patch is regarded as the comfortable and simplest enhancement option that you may find nowadays which is ideal for anybody with an extremely hectic routine or that doesn�t wish to have to handle any specific trouble in any way.
Superior to that, the patch is amongst the most effective ways to maintain your enhancing techniques subtle and a mystery. It is possible to put on the patch under any of your outfits so you by no means need to bother about overdosing or any specific impacts that some harsh chemicals may have on the body. The organic ingredients are gradually and routinely circulated into your bloodstream to boost your sexual aspiration and increase your capability to sustain an erection and delight in the bed.
Advantages of ProEnhance
1. It will help you to more powerful, tougher, and longer-lasting erections.
2. Allows you to reestablish a compromised sexual desire.
3. Offers you with longer-lasting resistance.
ProEnhance Ingredients:
P. Ginseng: Ginseng is a male sexual healthiness booster. In General they have started scientific studies since lately as 2002 showing that ginseng can be useful for improving decreased potency levels and assisting males get an erection. A very common negative effect of P. ginseng might be sleeplessness, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, severe headaches, nose bleeds, hypertension, low blood pressure levels, and breasts soreness.
Gotu Kola: As soon as hypertension is controlled to a healthful stage, this could improve the quantity of blood which circulates into the penis while sexually excited.
Saw Palmetto: First of all, there are actually health-related journals which recommend that saw palmetto is able to reduce a swollen prostate. Moreover it is effective as a sexual desire booster.
Disadvantages discovered in it:
1. Usually Male Improvement Patches successful rate is 88%.
2. Patches might cause Soreness in penis.
3. Occasionally it might result in Allergies.
WARNING: Consult your physician before optimal use, particularly if you are using some other medicines.
Benefits of meditation
Some people may have visions of monks in far off lands sitting together in silence when they think about meditation.
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Essentially, the answer to the question is a simple one.
"Meditation is an approach that anyone can use to help them cope with medical problems, stress, and anxiety by way of thought, contemplation, and reflection."
Meditation means to drop everything which is in one�s memory and to come to a state where only consciousness remains, where only awareness remains. If you remove all objects from your consciousness, all thoughts, all imagination, what will happen? � only consciousness will remain. That pure state of consciousness is meditation. You don�t meditate on somebody. Meditation is a state where only consciousness remains.
Along with the question �What is Meditation,� you may also wonder,
�What benefits can be experienced by using meditation regularly?�
There are a variety of benefits that have been linked with the regular practice of meditation. Meditation can bring about healing of both the body and the mind by using deliberation of thought and consideration. It's a piece of advice yogis have given for thousands of years: take a deep breath and relax.
You can feel the tension melt from your muscles and all your niggling worries vanish. Somehow we all know that relaxation is good for us. Already it is proved scientifically.
A comprehensive scientific study proves that deep relaxation changes our bodies on a genetic level. Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that, in long-term practitioners of relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation, far more ''disease-fighting genes'' were active, compared to those who practiced no form of relaxation.
Researchers found active disease protection system working in the peoples who practice deep relaxation methods.
The genes that protect from disorders such as pain, infertility, high blood pressure and even rheumatoid arthritis were switched on. The researchers were induced by this awesome phenomenon which they call ''the relaxation effect'' that could be just as powerful as any medical drug but without the side effects.
There are various physical benefits that can be experienced when meditation is made to be a part of daily life.
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The simple difference between those who meditate and those who do not, is that for a meditative mind the thought occurs but is witnessed, while for an ordinary mind, the thought occurs and is the boss. So in both minds, an upsetting thought can occur, but for those who meditate it is just another thought, which is seen as such and is allowed to blossom and die, while in the ordinary mind the thought instigates a storm which rages on and on.
Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practiced daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumors and to viruses.
Helps you to maintain emotional balance
Emotional balance, means to be free of all the neurotic behavior that results from the existence of a tortured and traumatized ego. This is very hard to achieve fully, but meditation certainly is the way to cure such neurosis and unhealthy emotional states. As one�s consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, not only does great freedom abound, but also great balance. As one�s responses then are not colored by the burdens one carries, but are instead true, direct and appropriate.
Increases fertility
A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to conceive during periods when they are relaxed rather than stressed. A study at Trakya University, in Turkey, also found that stress reduces sperm count and motility, suggesting relaxation may also boost male fertility.
Helps to relieve from irritable bowl syndrome
When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome began practicing a relaxation meditation twice daily, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhea and constipation improved significantly. The meditation was so effective the researchers at the State University of New York recommended it as an effective treatment.
Keeps your blood pressure down
A study at Harvard Medical School found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal report found that patients trained how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.
Helps to maintain your heart health
Stress leads to inflammation, a state linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis, say researchers at Emory University in the US. Relaxation can help prevent and treat such symptoms by switching off the stress response. In this way, one study at McGill University in Canada found that meditation clinically improved the symptoms of psoriasis.
6 Healthy food for the eyes
If you think carrots are the only foods that maintain eye health, you should listen to this. Because there are a lot of healthy foods in addition to carrots that support healthy vision. Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.
1. Green leafy vegetables
Compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells. Both of these nutrients can be found in green leafy vegetables.
Bonus, green leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach are also rich in vitamin A powerful maintain eye health.
2. Oyster
Zinc deficiency is often associated with impaired vision at night or in conditions of poor eye - including cataracts as well. However, the iron needs, threats to eye health can be prevented.
Meanwhile, the oysters are a good source of zinc. In addition, you can also eat lobster, salmon, and beef to get their zinc intake.
3. Apricot
This fruit is a source of beta carotene and lycopene. Both are supporting eye health.
Basically your body is changing beta-carotene into vitamin A, which prevents damage to cells and tissues as well as the eye lens.
4. Sweet potato
A requirement of vitamin C and sometimes still often overlooked by most people. Though both can be easily obtained from sweet potato.
In fact, one cup of sweet potato has met the needs of daily vitamin A consumption advice. As you well know, this is a vitamin A nutritional support eye health.
5. Eggs
Eggs are another food that is rich in zinc. In addition, eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids and lutein.
Although eggs do not have as much beta carotene can be found in green leafy vegetables, but the food is also able to maintain the health of your eyes.
6. Peanut butter
Vitamin E is not only maintaining healthy skin, but also the eyes. Including lowering the risk of cataracts.
Get the best sources of vitamin E in the peanut butter, sunflower seeds, or almonds. Everything is kind of nuts that contain vitamin E and is able to maintain eye health.
6 Steps Getting rid of Stomach Fat
Abdominal fat has been shown to increase the risk of serious diseases such as insulin resistance syndrome which would trigger the disease, interfere with heart and blood vessels, as well as some types of cancer.
Exercises that focus on the muscles around the stomach can indeed help gain muscle faster, but it does not mean much if you do not complete it with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
Intentions so that you get a flat stomach more quickly realized, follow the 6 steps below.
1. Choose foods that are rich in fiber and high in nutrients than foods high in fat and high in calories. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will make the stomach full longer as well as meet the needs of the body of vitamins and minerals.
Limit consumption of processed foods or junk food. Eat several times a day, including breakfast. This will keep your metabolism healthy and supply the energy the body needs. Avoid skipping meals as it will make your metabolism slower.
2. Adequate fluid intake, especially if you exercise regularly or live in a humid climate. Avoid empty-calorie drink such as soda, energy drinks, or fruit juice in containers. Water will make the body function optimally because he will bring nutrients to vital organs.
3. Exercising 30-60 minutes at least five times a week. Begin by walking, cycling, swimming, gymnastics or follow the movement of the DVD. If you've got a habit of exercising, increase the intensity of exercise to accelerate weight loss.
4. Train all muscle groups of the body with weight training, using a balance ball, or equipment in the fitness center. Perform these exercises two or three times a week on non-consecutive time that the body has a chance to rest. Increase muscle mass will increase the fat and calorie burning.
5. Perform strengthening exercises abdominal muscles. Do it regularly two to four times a week. This will build and strengthen the abdominal muscles and sagging skin are not visible.
6. Reduce intake of total calories per day around 500-1,000 calories a week to lose about 1 pound a week.
ZendaSlim Reviews � Is It an Effective Weight loss Product?
ZendaSlim is a high quality herbal solution made up of the most recent scientific analysis to provide fast and long term weight-loss. ZendaSlim's high-powered formula flow via the bloodstream and enhance the metabolism to get rid of fat and assist you to lose weight extremely fast.
What Does ZendaSlim Claim To Do?
ZendaSlim assures to provide you with the "body you deserve" within 10 � 14 days. The advertising and marketing states:
"FACT: Most of the Weight Loss Supplements Don�t Give good results."
ANSWER. Because of the reason that other merchandise does not contain the equivalent source of clinically proven herbs nor would they keep them in the proper doses to be 100% effective.
The issue with ZendaSlim is that they do not seem do so either. There is a real lack of product information on this website. The manufacturers try to make a huge point of telling the customer all about the clinical benefits and evidence of each ingredient but they do not tell you how much you will likely be acquiring every single dose. Their information does not relate to the supplement they are aiming to promote.
Ingredients For ZendaSlim:
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Cashing in on the Dr Oz TV show, green coffee bean extract is the latest diet supplement manufacturers taste of the month. Although there is some scientific analysis that has confirmed that green coffee may help improve weight loss, the celebrated Dr Oz experiment was not too impressive.
Green Tea Extract: High in anti-oxidants, green tea extract is prominent for being good for overall health and drinking green tea as part of your diet is an excellent habit to get into. It does aid in boosting the metabolic rate and can help prevent against illness. However, consuming small amounts of green tea extract will provide solely negligible benefits.
African Mango: African mango seeds in their all-natural form are an excellent approach of obtaining fibre so are appropriate for diet in the countries where they grow in East Africa. Even though clinical testing has proven that this ingredient will aid weight loss, the majority of the clinical evaluation is based on the seeds in natural form and not condensed into an extract.
Some other active ingredients found in ZendaSlim are Apple Cider Vinegar, Grapefruit, Caffeine, Acai Berry, Revesterol Extract and Kelp.
Good About ZendaSlim:
1. Cash Back Guarantee.
2. ZendaSlim�s ingredients are specially designed for quick and long lasting weight-loss.
WARNING: ZendaSlim is rich in caffeine making it greatly most likely that this is the principle element. It might result in sleep disorder, jitteriness, anxiousness and tremors � the usual caffeine adverse effects if you are sensitive.
The major issue with ZendaSlim is usually that it lacks an overall ingredients report and this lack of transparency tends to make the entire supplement appear remarkably suspicious. The fact that there is a 100% lack of customer feedback is furthermore subject to your concern.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Food Variety, Calorie Intake, and Weight Gain
Increased variety in the food supply may contribute to the development and maintenance of obesity. Thirty-nine studies examining dietary variety, energy intake, and body composition are reviewed. Animal and human studies show that food consumption increases when there is more variety in a meal or diet and that greater dietary variety is associated with increased body weight and fat.This may seem counterintuitive, since variety in the diet is generally seen as a good thing. In some ways, it is a good thing, however in this post we'll see that it can have a downside.
Read more �
Saturday, April 27, 2013
4 Things To Look For If Your skin Sensitive
Drinking Youth Coconut Water For Skin So Clear
Friday, April 26, 2013
Natural Gain Plus - Is It The Best Male Enhancement Supplement?
The Natural gain plus program is the most powerful natural male enhancement program available anywhere in the world. With years of success behind our product and being one of the only companies that uses 100% natural ingredients we foresee you having great success.
Natural Gain Plus can give you amazing results in just weeks!
The Natural gain plus program combines exercise techniques and a blend of natural herbal ingredients which are known to improve sexual functions, increase libido, and increase semen volume.
Few Benefits Of Natural Gain Plus:
� Harder, longer-lasting erections on demand.
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Of course you do! Many women have admitted that they are unhappy with their partner's penis size. This proves that size really does matter. Women view men with a larger penis size as being more sexually attractive and sexually capable.
An overall larger penis size also means a larger surface area, which stimulates more nerves, resulting in a more pleasurable experience for both you and your partner. A larger and more natural penis is also more of a visual turn on for women.
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With any purchase receive a lifetime membership to our award-winning, results based online penis enhancement program. In the last 8 years we have helped thousands of men all ages and fitness levels enhance their penis. You�ll receive customized penis enhancement exercise programs, penis fitness information, and much more!
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This is the reason that fart Healthy
Flatulence, talk about this one is still a taboo in society, as well as talking about sex. However, understanding the process exhaust air and health benefits from the scientific point of view is very important to be understanding of us together.
Flatulence is a natural process that occurs due to excessive gas buildup in our bodies. The gas comes from several sources, such as the air we breathe, the reaction of the chemical processes in the intestine, and from bacteria that live in the intestines.
How the Body Produce Gas?
Flue gas coming out when the wind consists of a varied range of content. Most come from the air we breathe (oxygen), which is absorbed by the body before it goes into the intestine. At the time of the entry of air into the colon that is left is nitrogen.
The chemical reaction that occurs between the acid in the stomach and intestinal fluids will produce carbon dioxide, which is also a product of bacteria that live in the intestines. In addition to producing carbon dioxide, bacteria also produce hydrogen and methane.
But how much gas that we exhale is also influenced by several other factors such as what we eat, how much air we breathe, and what kinds of bacteria live in our intestines.
Are Restraining Wind Discard be Causing Disease?
Someone who hold to dispose of the wind will feel some discomfort due to complaints of enhancing and widening of the gas in the body become abnormal bowel. Exhaust air can cause a person detained is difficult to defecate.
In addition, the retention of gas in the intestines will cause the pressure in the intestinal cavity. This pressure will be even higher than the partial pressure in the blood. As a result, the gas will go into the blood vessels located in the intestinal wall, and circulate throughout the body.
From a medical standpoint, flatulence bowel showed good activity. Someone who had undergone surgery, especially surgery who related organs in the abdomen, it is necessary to wait until the person concerned can fart before he is allowed to eat and drink. In medicine, flatulence can be a clue that the function of the intestines and digestive organs of patients have normal function postoperatively.
How often do we have to Fart?
750 ml of gas per day, or about 14 times the activity of flatulence is a normal average amount that happens to everyone. If it is less or more than the amount you could be having problems in the gastrointestinal (digestive organs).
Given the gas discharge process of the body is a natural process that can not be prevented, then that needs attention is on ethics in extracting gas from our bodies. Exhaust air is important but should remove it in the proper place and not disturb those around you.
5 Ways to Banish Hyperhidrosis and Body Odor
Excessive sweating is sometimes a problem for anyone who experienced it. Especially when you're dealing with clients or key people of influence in your career or relationship.
Not only interfere with performance, excessive sweating could also be a new problem began to emerge when the body odor due to sweat too much. If this is the case then maybe you would be ostracized in the association.
In scientific language, excessive sweating is often referred to as hyperhidrosis, is a condition when a person produces more sweat than normal conditions. Hyperhidrosis not only cause health problems, such as fungal and bacterial infections, but can also interfere with the psychological and emotional condition of the sufferer.
Causes of Hyperhidrosis
Before knowing how to cope with that trigger excessive sweating body odor, you'll need to determine the cause of Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.
Some experts argue that excessive sweat production occurs due to hormonal imbalance stress, high levels of activity, and excessive zeal. Some experts also argue that a third cause of excessive sweating is heredity.
In detail, the researchers say that excessive sweating occurs due to overactive eccrine performance. Is eccrine sweat glands that regulate body temperature. This gland is located in all parts of the body. However, more often occurs on the palms, soles, underarms and face.
Some conditions such as obesity, diabetes, drug use and alcohol consumption can also cause this condition.
Prevent Hyperhidrosis and Body Odor
If you have hyperhidrosis, there are some actions you can do to prevent hyperhidrosis, namely:
Do Dehydration
If you spend a lot of sweat body this means you have to immediately replace lost body fluids. Whatever the conditions, keep your body in order not to become dehydrated. Besides functioning cleanse toxins in the body, consuming mineral water is also good for preventing body odor.
Wear clothing Cool
If you sweat easily, you should wear clothing made from cool and absorb sweat. The selection of the right fabric can help your skin breathe more freely so you do not feel hot.
Minimal shower 2x a day
A lot of sweat and bath is rarely the cause of body odor is most common. Shower and wash your body more often at least 2x a day. In addition to making the body clean and fresh, familiarize bath can provide health benefits such as stress relief, increase endurance, to increase fertility.
Apply Lime or Alum
When attacking odor apply lime or alum in your armpit. However, if you suffer from allergies and certain skin disorders should use deodorant only.
Healthy Diet
Obesity or being overweight is one of the causes of excessive sweating and body odor. Therefore, run a healthy diet from now. Keep your diet and increase physical activity through exercise to gain weight.
If the above steps do not help you solve the problem of excessive sweating and body odor, you should consult with your doctor to get proper medical attention more.
Source :
Thursday, April 25, 2013
a baby can be Intelligent If you give him this Nutrients
Omega-3 has long been known as an essential nutrient for brain development. That's why pregnant women are strongly advised to consume Omega-3 supplementation in order to meet the needs of these essential fatty acids in the body, which is generally much less obtained from the daily diet, so that the brain development of the fetus can take place optimally.
Overview of the Omega-3
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs to function properly. One of the most important benefits of Omega-3 is its anti-inflammatory effects. Many diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis, is associated with inflammatory processes. Omega-3 may reduce inflammation, so as to prevent the various chronic diseases.
Although chronic diseases are most often affects adults, it does not mean your baby does not need Omega-3. Omega-3 is essential for children's health, since they were not even born (still a fetus in the womb). Here are some important benefits:
Brain development. Several studies have found that infant foods fortified with Omega-3 fatty acids, namely DHA, showed an improvement in hand-eye coordination, responsiveness and attention to environmental, social skills, and intelligence test scores.
The research also found that children aged 4 years born to mothers who took supplements of Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) during pregnancy and the first months of breastfeeding, getting intelligence test score higher than children born to mothers who did not take supplements EPA and DHA.
Lower Risk of Asthma. A 2008 study found that children and adolescents who were born to mothers who took supplements of Omega-3 during pregnancy appeared to have a risk of developing asthma is lower.
Supporting growth. There is some evidence to suggest that when formula milk and baby food supplemented with omega-3, it can support the growth and brain development of babies born prematurely.
Prevent Preterm Birth. In 2003, a study found that women who ate eggs enriched with Omega-3 appeared to have a lower risk of preterm birth compared with women who do not eat eggs.
In addition, there are some health conditions in children are believed to be able to overcome with the consumption of Omega-3 supplementation.
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Research indicates that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, particularly with higher doses of EPA, proved to be effective in the treatment of children with ADHD.
Children with ADHD generally have higher levels of Omega-3 in the body is lower than normal, so supplementation of Omega-3 will help in terms of improved behavior, decreased hyperactivity, and increased children's attention to the environment.
Depression. Fish oil is often used in the treatment of depression in adults, and there are several similar studies conducted in children. A 2006 study found that fish oil supplementation can reduce symptoms of depression in children aged 6-12 years significantly.
Diabetes. A study looked at children who have a high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The researchers found that those who consume lots of Omega-3 in their diet daily decreased the risk of this disease.
Asthma. Omega-3 is able to reduce inflammation in the airways. A study of 29 children with asthma found that those who consumed fish oil for 10 months experienced fewer asthma symptoms than those who do not consume fish oil.
Omega-3 is one of the many nutrients essential for the growth and development of children. So, dear children by providing essential nutrients in adequate amounts every day!
Beat the heat with these natural drinks
Just ditch the colas and cold coffees, beat the heat with these natural drinks!
How you can drink healthy this summer!
Yes, it�s heating up again. You are dehydrating fast because of the sweating and feeling tired, just don't reach for that cola yet, wait guys.............. We have some awesome refreshing, natural options for you!
Gulp in Tender coconut water
Fresh coconut water could potentially be the greatest energy drink in the world, to top it off, it�s all-natural. Coconut water contains more potassium than the majority of energy drinks. The chloride it holds is at 118 g, and it�s natural sugars extent to about 5 mg. So, just walk down the road, and help yourself to gulp in some refreshing tender coconut water instead. Coconut water is considered as �fluid for life�. It contains a bounty of nutrients that can help fight the summer heat. It�s a natural coolant that can help reduce your body heat.
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Avoid cola or aerated drinks.
Well, all those cold colas stacked up in the corner shop looks tempting. Skip it! It�s loaded with sugar and is bad for you in so many ways. Soft drinks fails to provide adequate hydration because the high sugar content and caffeine in soft drinks promote dehydration.
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While ice-cream or ice-candy can bring you temporary relief from the pains of soaring heat, but think again before you gulp in some as most of the ice creams contain loads of sugar, harmful chemicals and artificial sweeteners and colors they do no good for your body.
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Find some Butter milk
Buttermilk is high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Those with digestive problems are often advised to drink buttermilk rather than milk, as it is more quickly digested. Buttermilk has more lactic acid than skim milk.
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Say NO to packaged juice
Most of the packed juices are stuffed with sugar artificial coloring and additives which might not be that good after all.
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Say YES to Kokum juice
Try kokum juice or kokum sherbat this summer. It is known as Garcinia Indica and is very famous in India specially in Maharashtra it is natural treat to beat the heat.
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It is easily available in powder and decoction form. And kokum can do you a lot of good. It helps prevent dehydration, improves digestion and appetite. What more? It is known to fight infection, cleanse the blood and is good for your cardiovascular health.
Ditch Kadak Chai (Strong Tea)
I think sipping Kadak chai in summer will do no good to your body. In summer, your favourite chai will leave you feeling tired instead of pepping you up..
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Pour some Chamomile tea in a cup, add a spoonful of honey and slurp! It will hydrate you instantly, and also soothe your nerves! It is a natural home remedy for most of the daily ailments like headache, stomach crams, insomnia, irritable bowl syndrome etc
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Say NO to Coffee
Hot or cold, doesn't matter, coffee can be really bad for you during the summer. It increases body heat and will further dehydrate you.
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Enjoy Barley water instead
Barley has cooling properties, which is why barley water helps bring down body heat. It�s an excellent substitute for chai or any other drink for that matter. It cleanses your kidney and keeps it free of toxins. Barley water also brings down the heat content in the body. In some countries, people consume barley rice during summer for its cooling properties.
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A study conducted by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that the fiber that comes from barley water lowers cholesterol. Hence, this is a must-have drink for fitness freaks.We suggest you drink while its warm like you would have your kadak chai�.... yes, even in this burning weather.
Do not Ignore This Important Mineral Healthy If You Want Nerves
Magnesium is a macro mineral that is essential for overall health. Most of the magnesium contained in the bones and muscles. While the rest are scattered throughout the cell and body fluids.
Magnesium body can not produce itself, so we need to meet the need of magnesium from food. At the advanced level, magnesium deficiency can result in convulsions, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, increased heart rate, weakening of bones, headaches and high blood pressure.
Magnesium to relax the muscles
Magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy nerves and muscles. Magnesium is known as the calming mineral because it can make all the nerves to relax. Especially for those who like to do weight training.
Magnesium works as a barrier and prevents calcium to reach into the nerve cells quickly. Excess calcium can attack nerve cells and causes our nervous system to overreact. By blocking calcium, magnesium helps relax the nerves. When nerve cells act excessively, it can cause seizures, muscle cramps, muscle tension, muscle pain and muscle fatigue.
Lowering High Blood Pressure
Useful addition to the muscles and nerves, magnesium also plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as high blood pressure. In a meta analysis of 23 studies involving 1,173 patients on the benefits of magnesium, known to those taking magnesium supplements experienced a decrease in systolic pressure of approximately 3-4 mmHg and 2-3 mmHg diastolic.
Despite the decline, but the decline is not large enough to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Relieves Asthma
Magnesium improve lung function and relieve asthma attacks by facilitating widening and relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles that make up the respiratory tract. Thus, constriction of the airways can be prevented. In addition, magnesium may prevent airway inflammation by inhibiting cholinergic transmission or with a prostacyclin production and T-lymphocyte cells that can prevent inflammation in the respiratory tract.
Preventing Diabetes
According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, published in the journal Diabetes Care, noted that eating a diet high in magnesium may significantly lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Magnesium plays a role in improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and ultimately reduce the risk of diabetes.
"Increasing magnesium intake may be important for improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and reduce the risk of diabetes," the researchers wrote.
Food sources of Magnesium
Sources of foods that contain a lot of magnesium include know, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, wheat bran, brazil nuts, soy flour, almonds, cashew nuts, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and black walnuts. Other good food sources include beans, whole wheat flour, wheat flour, spinach, pistachio nuts, cereals, oatmeal, bananas and baked potatoes (with skin), chocolate and cocoa powder. Most of the plants, herbs and seaweed such as agar-agar seaweed, coriander, celery seed, sage, dried mustard, basil, cocoa powder, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, tarragon, marjoram, poppy seeds also provide magnesium.
Magnesium is available in a variety of forms, but the forms are recommended include magnesium citrate, magnesium gluconate, and magnesium lactate, all of which are easily absorbed by the body than other forms of
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Enduros Male Enhancement Reviews
Enduros Male Supplement is a purely natural; plant based, sex-improving, aphrodisiac that improves your sexual desire whilst offering your penis massive girth and rigidity certainly no other product or service could challenge! Its own superior formulation blends the finest sexual desire booster products and reproductive fitness enhancing materials.
Key Ingredients of Enduros:
It made up of all-natural herbs and spices and portions of Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Tongkat Ali, Tribulus-Terrestris, Cndlum Monnlerl, Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Niacin and L-Arginine.
1. Xanthoparmelia: This is a kind of lichen. Lichen is an organism which is made from fungus and algae residing with each other. Xanthoparmelia is utilized to produce drugs. It will be useful to deal with sexual irregularities, specifically erectile dysfunction (ED), along with to boost intimate desire (as an aphrodisiac). It really does consist of Harmful toxins and is additionally useful for cancer sufferers.
2. Tongkat Ali: the physique-enhancing advantages specifically attract muscle builders, a few of which blend the herb with steroids as well as other performance-improving nutritional supplements. Yet Excessive usage of Tongkat Ali can result in noticeable aggressiveness, sleeplessness, as well as a higher heart rate.
3. Tribulus-Terrestris: The number of researches that tried out to prove Tribulus influence on durability and muscle mass building in human beings got defects that directed certain experts to condemn the outcomes. Even though Tribulus is normally regarded as an extremely useful health supplement for muscle builders, is not supported by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This might as well clarify exactly why merely a minimum variety of Tribulus negative effects are actually recorded. Any person thinking about this supplementation, need to seek advice from a health care professional before using it.
Important benefits of Enduros Male Enhancement Supplement:
1. Boosts desire and enthusiasm.
2. Strengthens endurance.
3. 100% all-natural, protected, and efficient nutritional supplement.
WARNING: A few of its ingredients (Tribulus) are unwarranted by FDA. So if anybody thinking about this supplementation must consult with a health care professional before making use of it.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Book Review: Salt, Sugar, Fat
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Double Jointed Teens May be Prone to Joint Pain
Double-jointed youngsters are usually more probably compared to their much less elastic pals to build shoulder, knee or ankle ache, indicates a big, brand new research from the UK.
Aside from the discovery for all those specific joint parts, research workers discovered simply no link between double-jointedness - often known as joint hypermobility - as well as some other kinds of ache, such as back and neck pains.
"There is the presumption that these types of sufferers who've has joint ache that are discovered to possess joint hypermobility, that the 2 are affiliated," stated the study's steer writer, Jon Tobias, from the University of Bristol.
However the medical proof has become a little more ambiguous, he informed Reuters Health.
In his team's research, Tobias claimed, "The kinds of joint parts which were impacted appear to be quite precise." That may clarify exactly why various other scientific studies discovered not a single link between double-jointedness along with a lot more common meaning of ache, he added.
The fresh information is generated by a longer research that initially chosen women that are pregnant in early 1990s. Tobias and his co-workers calculated joint flexibility in around 2,900 of the many women's kids at age 13 or 14 and also interviewed all of them regarding muscular and bone pain 4 years thereafter.
Fewer than 1 in 20 teenagers was double-jointed, depending on conference the standard of getting a minimum of six of nine joint parts - the two thumbs, small fingers, elbows, knees and the trunk area - which are more versatile than normal.
About 45 % of research individuals said any kind of prevailing bone or muscular ache through their 2nd session. The ratio was equivalent among double-jointed and also less-flexible teenagers.
Whenever the research workers looked over particular joints, yet, they discovered the shoulder, knee and also ankle or feet discomfort were almost all 70 to 80 % more usual among double-jointed teenagers. As a whole, between 6 % and 10 % coming from all teenagers said ache in every one of the joint parts.
The relationship between double-jointedness and knee ache, particularly, was especially powerful in overweight youngsters, the research workers state in Joint disease & Rheumatism.